Preschool for All
Kokomotion’s Preschool For All program is probably the most important program we offer to the community. Child development specialists have shown that participating in gymnastics significantly helps three to six year old children. It enhances their ability to read; builds their self-confidence; teaches them to understand and complete complex instructions; and enhances their overall athletic ability.
We present progressively more difficult skills to keep the child challenged and build their confidence through accomplishment. Our preschool classes promote healthy learning attitudes by encouraging students to have fun while moving from general movement to skill proficiency.
We teach essential motor movements needed in all athletics. The ability to run, skip, roll, balance, cartwheel, and jump is central to nearly all future sport endeavors. No matter which eventual athletic endeavor is chosen, if any, gymnastics will play a significant role in preparing the child for their future.
"KokoGym 1"
Parent & Child
(1 ½ through 3 year olds)
The KokoGym 1 program affords many developmental benefits for children ages 1 ½ to 3 years. We incorporate eye-hand coordination (picking up and placing objects), unilateral and bilateral movements (like hopping, galloping, etc.) that challenge the child’s growing mind and body, and social skills (learning to share and take turns).
The entire Kokomotion facility is utilized for this class. No other classes are held, allowing your toddler to go where they desire, giving the children the freedom to explore the different activities they are interested in. During this 45 minute class our trained class instructor will lead parents in how to teach their toddlers in the “child-directed” class where we entice children to follow organized challenges, but allow them to explore where their interests take them (within the bounds of safety, of course).
Please Note:
Not every child will jump in and try something new right away. They are "often fearful of new situations, shy and self-conscious, and unwilling to to leave the security of that which is familiar" (Understanding Motor Development, Gallahue & Ozmun). It may take time for them to be comfortable in a new environment like our gym. We do not push or require them to participate. Sometimes observation is participation. They are still learning and within a few weeks will likely participate. Our 4 Week 100% Money Back Guarantee allows parents to give these kids the time they need risk free, and we encourage them to do so for their kid's benefit.
"KokoGym 2"
(2 ½ through 4 year olds)
This 45 minute class is for students that are potty-trained and ready to transition from being with the parent to just the teacher. This class is to help smooth the change between KokoGym 1 and 3.
This class will train basic skills like Forward Rolls, Backward Rolls, and Cartwheel-type actions, as well as confidence building, balance, slides, and tunnels. They will learn about Kindergarten preparation skills like how to follow in a line, how to follow a pattern, etc.
The Parents Role in this class:
This is a transition class. We hope to create an independent child that can listen and follow instructions. If the child tends to wander off or has difficulty listening, the parent is allowed and encouraged to step in. Parents are to remain involved as little as possible and only reinforce to their child listen to the teacher. Once the child is refocused and redirected, the parent should attempt to return to the viewing area.
"KokoGym 3"
(4 through 5 year olds)
This 45 minute teacher-directed class requires they not only have the social skills to take turns with other students but also follow the directions of the teacher without the parent. They also share the facility with other classes.
This class begins with a coordination-based warm up and followed by a basic stretch. This class will introduce basic skills like Forward Rolls, Backward Rolls, and Cartwheels and Handstands, as well as confidence building balance, slides, and tunnels. They will learn about Kindergarten preparation skills like how to follow in a line, how to follow a pattern, etc.
Our small classes allow your child lots of turns and close personal attention. Our specially designed curriculum is used to provide a safe and progressive approach to learning that gives your child many opportunities to succeed and be praised.